Rødvig Ferieby offers a stay with access to Bonbonland, where the ticket is valid for two days. So you can visit Bonbonland before you check in with us.
Rødvig Ferieby is located approx. 35 km from BonBonland. Here, you can relax and enjoy the tranquility of one of our holiday homes after a beautiful day in BonBonland. If you have more energy left, the beach is only 600 meters away.
The stay can be booked for the period May – October 2025.
There is room for 2-6 people in our 30 m2 holiday homes.
The price example below includes four two-day tickets to Bonbonland.
You choose the number of nights:
1-night stay: DKK 2,166
Two nights: DKK 2,926
Three nights: DKK 3,331
Additional tickets to Bonbonland can be purchased.
Children under 90 cm are free.
There is room for eight people in our 50 m2 holiday homes.
The price example below includes four two-day tickets to Bonbonland.
You choose the number of nights:
1-night stay: DKK 2,456
Two nights: DKK 3,406
Three nights: DKK 3,915
Additional tickets to Bonbonland can be purchased.
Children under 90 cm are free.
If you would like to book, go to online booking or call us on 2323 7484.
Approx. 1 week before arrival, we will email your tickets to BonBonland so you can visit BonBonland before you check in with us.
It’s possible to cook yourselves in the holiday home’s kitchen or the barbecue area by the teepees or choose one of the good restaurants in Rødvig.
It is possible to order a breakfast buffet served in our breakfast room, or you can order freshly baked breakfast bread, where you make the breakfast yourself in the house. It can be called with our online booking or when you check in.
You can check BonBonland’s website for opening hours.
So that you know, Bonbonland is only open on weekends outside the summer peak season.
The stay can be combined with a nice hike on the Trampestien along Stevns Klint. You can cycle out and walk home or vice versa with our Donkey Bikes. We also recommend visiting Stevns Klint Experience, which has a lot of great activities for children.
The phone is open from 9.00-18.00.
Sustainable solar roof for new accommodation for cyclists and others. implemented with support from Udvikling Stevns. Click on the EU logo to read more about the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
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